Many people prepare and equip themselves with the necessary baggage before they can face the professional world. This is the main reason why people spend part of their youth acquiring the knowledge and level required for a targeted position or title. One of the best ways to achieve this goal is to continue your education, by entering a higher education institution. The process begins with obtaining the Baccalaureate, and then applying for a competitive examination to enter the desired school. This is a challenge that must be met if you want to reach the next step. To be able to compete with other candidates, a rigorous preparation phase is essential, as is the case with the ACCES Exams.

What you need to know about the ACCES Exams

If one day you wish to integrate one of these 3 business schools: ESDES, ESSCA and IÉSEG, you must go through the ACCES exam. This step is the representation of more than 20 years of collaboration between these schools. A tough competition that is more and more selective, because according to statistics, only 20% of the participants will manage to incorporate one of these schools. This means that of the approximately 5500 students who apply each year, 1100 candidates will have the chance to be elected. It should be noted that in 2010, exceptionally, more than 7000 applicants registered for this event. This fact only underlines the necessity of an excellent preparation to have all its chances. A ranking of these institutions exists, as well as the number of places offered and other information to know before taking the plunge. 

Be ready by the beginning of senior year

To realize the magnitude and difficulty of the battle you are about to wage, it is necessary to review the figures once again. The candidates who will apply for the ACCES and SESAME competitive exams will be made up of 10,000 students in total, for about 3,500 available places, distributed among ten or so business schools. This means that only the names of 30% of the applicants will have the chance to appear on the admissions list. You must therefore anticipate the tests, by being ready as soon as you start your final year of high school. A strategy that has proven successful for many years is to focus on the important subjects like math and aim for the best possible results. Indeed, these kinds of subjects are what we call "high coefficient subjects". Share and benefit from the knowledge of your colleagues, take private lessons when needed. Achieving this goal will ensure an excellent average on the Baccalaureate exam, as well as on various competitive exams. However, be careful not to neglect the other tests.

Don't neglect the literary subjects

Not surprisingly and logically, the majority of the tests in the ACCES Exam will be conducted in the French language. A fact that has been noted for some time, the correctors notice more and more errors related to spelling, vocabulary, conjugation or grammar on the candidates' papers each year. This can become annoying in the long run. One simple aspect that can make a difference: watch out for French mistakes! Regarding the English language, a test divided into 2 parts is included in the exams. It is therefore essential to master the latter to guarantee the final result. Moreover, some schools give priority to this subject by assigning a high coefficient to it, so ask around. You must also perfectly integrate the instructions before D-day, such as how to answer the MCQs for example, or the limit on the number of words to use for the synthesis.

Preparation in real conditions

The exam you will take is divided into 4 distinct parts: a 3-hour synthesis test, a 2.5-hour logical and mathematical reasoning test, a 45-minute cultural test and a 45-minute English test. The important thing to remember, as with most tests in this type of competition, is that the time available to you is limited. Revising the different subjects is already a step towards victory, but it is by no means sufficient. As a reminder, good time management is essential to succeed in all the tests. This is why there are copies of old subjects, with answers, and even some kind of preparation courses. By putting yourself in condition, stopwatch in hand, you can have an idea of who is going to fall on you. In order to be ready both physically and mentally on D-day, going through this stage at least once is necessary, to choose the strategy to adopt. A technique that many participants practice during the tests, for example, is not to dwell on the complex MCQs, but to do the easier ones quickly. The aim is to answer as many questions as possible correctly, and to give yourself time to come back to the others towards the end if possible.
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